“and I like a narrow cunt, you just need to lubricate the dick and it will move like a piston in the cylinder, squeezing out the foam and pleasantly sloshing in the pussy, while the prick feels every fold, not like a broken cunt, it seems that the dick is just in a swamp and no pleasure”
“The actor has his own dick.
This actress is always small against the background of the actors, but the members were always not small shoved into her, there is probably a champion dick. And yes, she was clearly drugged with painkillers and her squeals, as for me, are not played out when he almost drives him to the ground. ”
Prison passions
Working as a correspondent on television, our film crew often traveled to the scene. One such incident shocked me. It happened in the winter, on ice. car accident. A young beautiful woman knocked down an old woman to death at a pedestrian crossing. “Yes, she earned herself a term,” the cameraman of our television group involuntarily escaped
Burying her chest in the steering wheel of a brand new Mazda, a 25-year-old blonde sobbed in her voice. And what surprised me was that we were very similar in appearance, and I involuntarily tried this situation on myself.
Having filmed the reportage and pretty shivering in the cold, we returned to the studio, but I still could not get warm. I was starting to churn on the inside.
After editing the material and preparing it for broadcast, the driver of our group took me home. Tea with raspberries, hot drinks did not help, and my mother had to call an ambulance. The ambulance doctor made an injection for high temperature, gave sleeping pills and ordered to call the local doctor in the morning. An hour later, the trembling in my body subsided and I fell into a deep sleep.
Sleep is fleeting, full of colors. I dreamed about the building of the regional court. On the dock today's culprit of the accident. And the judge. Yes, this is Olga Ivanovna, the chairman of our regional court. The knock of a hammer. Her stern, metallic voice. Guilty! On the wrists of a crying blonde, handcuffs are fastened and loaded into a paddy wagon. Bright pictures quickly change each other. Here I see a beautiful young blond girl. She is standing with her back to me. Stands near the wall on which her height is indicated. 164 cm. Weight 52 kg. Breast size 3. She wears expensive underwear. A harsh, unpleasant voice orders her to "Turn around!" The girl slowly turns around a little wearily and the look of her diseased distant blue eyes meets mine. My God! Yes, it's me!!!
The same voice-over orders me. "Undress!" I obey
I like to look at myself from the outside. I like my slim athletic figure. Here are the hands of a blonde beauty, being behind her back, unfasten the fastener of her bra. The chest seems to increase in size for a second. Another second and my elastic standing twins were exposed - turrets with slightly darkish rounded papillae. Yes, such breasts are a sin to hide in a bra!
She remains only in lace stockings and transparent panties. She leans over and slowly rolls up her black fishnet stockings. Reluctantly part with beautiful panties. Yes, yes, with the same headset that I recently purchased through the online store. The hands of the guard seal all this charm in an ugly paper bag of some kind of dirty mouse color. I see my eyes. They contain the pain of loss and the inevitability of punishment.
The vision disappears. And now I see her already in a robe. The hated clothes of dark blue color hang on her in a bag hiding all the beauty, all the harmony of her figure and only long blond hair, beautiful eyes of a clear blue sky give out in this girl a freedom-loving beautiful young woman.
I wake up in a sweat. My mother is leaning over me.
- Daughter! You're delusional. Please drink some hot tea with raspberries and honey! Mom asks me worriedly.
I drink a couple of cups, sweat profusely, and fall back into slumber. My diseased, inflamed imagination brings me back to the same dream.
But I'm not in that ugly blue bag anymore. I'm wearing a well-fitted work overalls, a white scarf on my head. Obviously I'm at work. I am sitting at the sewing machine. There is a tag on the chest. I look around trying to read. "Blond beauty" 3 squad.
That's it! So there are no surnames here (deprived, nicknames are pasted) Here comes an epiphany. Yes, this is the zone. Yes, yes, the same colony that our film crew recently visited. Exemplary exemplary ITK (corrective labor colony). We were still filming their holiday for the Day of Russia and were still surprised at what needlewomen were here! Oh, what beautiful costumes they sew!
The master of industrial training is asking for attention.
Let's get the job done, girls! Saturday! Today is a short day. Everyone in squads!
In the evening, before lights out, I was called to the office of the head of the detachment. There was no boss. Instead of her, the supply manager "Kuvalda" met.
- So "Pretty Woman!". You know that we have a "red" zone. Ruled by the administration and the Council of Law and Order (SPP) Today we will accept you into the "family". Crown so to speak. Let's get into the circle of the chosen ones. Let's change yours. Will you be with us now "Blond Lady" This is a great honor! Consider wearing a crown! Don't ask questions. Execute all orders of superiors. All that is required is silence and unquestioning obedience. It's clear?
- It's clear! I answered without understanding.
“Then follow me!”
We silently proceeded to the exit from the colony closer to the checkpoint (checkpoint) to the visiting rooms and the security platoon. Bypassing a plurality of metal lattice doors, we found ourselves in a long corridor along the wall of which there were about a dozen convicts from our colony. The Sledgehammer pointed out my place in the ranks and told me to wait.
It wasn't long before she appeared. On-duty DPNK (on-duty assistant to the head of the colony) Looking into her face, I recognized Margarita Petrovna, Major Head of the Regime Unit, in her.
But why is she dressed so strangely?
Black suit. Reminds me of the uniform of an SS officer from Nazi Germany. In his hand is a long leather whip. Sounds team "sledgehammer" to undress! Uniform overalls fall at the feet of the convicts. The tags “Heifer”, “Stick”, “Ice Cream ...”, “Batonshch ...”, “Chocolate ...” are flashing. The picture changes quickly. I can't read everything. Now I look at the formation of beautiful, completely naked girlish bodies through the eyes of the Queen Margo major. Weird. I'm watching everything from the sidelines.
Passing through the system, her long whip touches the body of each girl. Raises curls of their hair, touching their breasts, studies the condition of the nipples. Here is the brunette. Margo's gaze assesses the slenderness of her figure, the beauty of her body. The tip of the whip lifts the curls of hair, slides along the neck, falls on the high elastic chest, studying the outline around the hard papillae. Going down the abdomen, examines the condition of the vagina, Pushes the labia. There are comments.
“Shave off that liquid vegetation!” Turn around! Spread your legs! Buttocks! A slap on the ass with a whip and the command to stand up!
The tip of the whip touching the chin of another convict incapacitates her. A thorough examination of the girl is being carried out. There are comments.
After examining all the "non-rejected beauties" they are led in formation to the shower. Elastic warm jets pleasantly caressing the body, temporarily relieve the inner tension of the girls.
I see how a "sledgehammer" approaches each of them. Douches the vagina. Then, ordering them to bend down, he brings a rubber hose to their ass at the end of which is a nozzle resembling an anal plug. Inserts it into the anus. A weak moan of the girl is heard, the hose, experiencing the pressure of the jet, expanding in diameter, fills the intestines of the convict, after a few seconds, the Sledgehammer removes the cork and the flow of liquid under pressure falls from the anal hole of the punished. Sledgehammer expertly repeats this with each girl twice.
The command “Finish water procedures!” The girls are led into a room resembling a barbershop. There are many mirrors here. Each is allocated a separate place. The girls preen, put on make-up, manicures, hairdos. A cream is applied to the skin, which causes their bodies to shine, reflecting the artificial color falling on them. A "sledgehammer" appears. Each naked "nymph" gives out a package.
Opening it, the girls discover a set of beautiful underwear, which includes long gloves above the elbows with a slit for the hands, a bra, panties, a belt and sexy fishnet stockings matching the color of the set.
A minute later, the Sledgehammer rolls a trolley rack along the girls' booths on which there is a rich selection of women's shoes and every beauty is obliged to choose beautiful shoes to match the color of her headset.
The command to build again sounds. "Margo" in a black leather suit, in breeches, a high cap and boots, bypassing the line of sex beauties and remaining extremely pleased, gave the command to the "Slug" Exit in 5 minutes!
Time of uncertainty tormented. But finally, the same Sledgehammer approached the blonde girl, dressed in a set of bright red color. Pushing back her professionally curled blond hair, revealing a beautiful long neck, she quickly and skillfully fastened a red headband on it. She took out the leash and fastened the carabiner to the metal ring of the collar and disabled her.
A few seconds later they were on the stage of the club. Brightly lit spotlights did not allow to see what was happening in the auditorium. There was complete silence. Only the faint creak of a rocking chair was heard - a rocking chair on which Queen Margot sat comfortably with a whip in her hand. Section number twelve sounded her commanding loud voice
The section turned out to be a lattice metal cage about 80 cm high. The blonde was put on her knees and, having unfastened the carbine from the collar, they let her into the "corral". The metal bolt clanged and the captive, like a dog in a cramped enclosure on all fours, began to expect developments. She already guessed that this fate would not bypass her other girlfriends in misfortune and silently watched her cellmates occupy their cramped metal cages according to the orders of "Margot". The last crate was occupied by "Baby". It was a large woman with breast size five. With each of her deep breaths, it seemed that the iron bars of the cramped cage would unbend and she would be free, my dream would melt, disappear like a bursting soap bubble.
"Margot" got up from her chair and approached the microphone to make a speech. "Dear Gentlemen! Today's show "initiation into the family" was made possible thanks to our precious and respected sponsor Veniamin Benediktovich. With his funds, thanks to his participation, it was possible to acquire modern equipment for sewing beautiful modern model clothes. Thanks to his connections from Italy, France, new arrivals of fabrics, accessories came, and our masters of industrial training, our "Mary the Fairies" created masterpieces of model art. Today our best beauties will demonstrate the spring-summer 2014 collection of dresses, show a new line of dresses, and after viewing you will be able to purchase them for your wives, girlfriends, lovers. Immediately, as they say, "On the spot!" So gentlemen, "Carden is resting!" The show starts!
The music quietly entered and charming models began to appear on the catwalk under the color of multi-colored spotlights.
One model continuously replaced another. The spring collection smoothly passed into the summer. And now the beautiful girls in light airy summer dresses are dancing a striptease at the pole. Noise is growing in the hall, continuous approving claps. The best strippers leave the stage after finishing their performance.
A minute later, a powerful spotlight illuminates the booth. The curtain opens. The spotlight goes out. The cabin lights up inside. At the table in beautiful underwear are two young women. Brunette and blonde. They get up. Slowly approach each other. They exchange languid glances. Gently caressing each other, they take off their bras, begin to kiss erotically touching each other with the tips of the tongue.
The light goes out. A disgruntled sigh is heard in the auditorium, but at the same moment the light in the next booth is turned on. In it, two gorgeous blondes rub against each other with beautiful elastic breasts of the third size, papillae. Their show lasts from a minute to another. The light goes out and at the same time turns on in the next room. In it, two brown-haired women, kissing, caress each other's wet pussies. The next booth goes out and immediately flashes with a bright pink color. On the table, spreading her slender legs wide, lies a gorgeous blonde getting a magnificent kuni from a red-haired beauty. The languid sighs of the lesbian show participants were added to the soft-sounding music. The illumination of one booth was replaced by another. With each subsequent inclusion in the booths, the background color changes.
The viewing time of the scenes is reduced, the languid moans of the participants in the show are getting louder, the scenes are becoming more frank. The poses change with each picture. Dildos and other sex toys are used. They fill almost all the holes of the participants in the show with them. The pace is growing. The moans turn into loud, frantic screams. The movements of naked interwoven female bodies in anticipation of ecstasy reach their maximum. And at that moment, when the eyes of hungry lustful male eyes can no longer keep up with this erotic kaleidoscope of pictures, behind this bright hypnotizing light music with a change of live pictures, behind this erotic action of lesbians, at the very peak of monotonously growing shamanic music, a bright light.
Girls finish. They finish at the same time. End brightly. Stormy! Screaming and writhing in the ecstasy of lesbian love!
So, gentlemen! Let's continue the second part of our show. "Register or admission to the family" Girls on the podium! - the voice of "Margo" sounded
The hostages in iron cages were wheeled onto the stage.
"Open the first, second and third cage!" - the command "Margo" sounds
The first to put cancer on a soft leather ottoman is a blonde in a purple collar, followed by her in yellow and green. A tall strong woman enters the stage - a thug in a black suit made of a material resembling latex. Peering into her face, I recognize the "sledgehammer"
Her costume resembles a scuba diver's jumpsuit. Cutout on the chest. From it shamelessly stick together her huge boobs with dark gaping long sharp nipples. Black high platform boots. A high black uniform cap added to her height. And between the legs? Oh my God! A huge black 30 - centimeter poured into this suit is a frightening male member with its size. This monster has riveted all my attention. I'm just hypnotized by him. Even in perverted porn films, I have not seen anything like it.
The sledgehammer approached the girls. She took a stance quietly. Sounds like a team
- Get started with your family!
I look at this huge black dick like a bewitched one, unable to look away. Watching from a hanging position, pulsing and shuddering, this monster stands perpendicular to her body, the lower abdomen aches, my papillae harden.
Bending down to the first victim, a girl in a purple bandage (collar), "Slug" whispered something in her ear and in some way incomprehensible to me, her panties disappeared from her.
Suddenly, large video broadcast monitors lit up on the stage, the sound turned on. Now the viewer clearly sees how the full lips of the Sledgehammer whisper in the ear of the beauty in the yellow collar, "Rub the liquid in the ass." On another monitor, you can see how the head of the penis, tightly pressed against the anal hole, shoots a portion of some kind of white liquid into it. A close-up screen shows the first two members rubbing a whitish liquid into their anal holes. Lubricate her sexual sponges, and it seems they like it.
Having done the same procedure with a girl in a green collar, he steps aside, giving the audience and the participants themselves the opportunity to admire this erotic action. Another minute passes, and the girls are massaging everything, everyone is rubbing their pussies, Vaginas swell, they let their fingers inside themselves, into both holes and, as if on command, almost simultaneously lick the beautifully manicured fingers of their hands. The monitor picks out their eyes. The pupils are dilated. Bliss, depraved lust and a passionate desire for sex are read in their views. (Yes, they are high! Comes to my inflamed mind)
Sledgehammer starts with a medium girl wearing a yellow collar. Her strong hands spread the slender legs of a girl in yellow fishnet stockings - a blonde with blue eyes. Strong fingers slightly push the young beauty's labia apart, giving the audience an excellent opportunity to see and appreciate her "charms" on the monitor on the big screen of the stage. The impressive head of a large artificial penis begins to bore the blonde and it seems to me that this monster will pierce her through.
With a loud moan, the girl falls face down on the black leather pouffe. Her elastic ass rises higher and the "Sluthammer" competently, without unnecessary emotions on her face, is taken to her work.
There is a loud slap on the ass, forcing the blonde to take a knee-elbow position. The “sledgehammer”, increasing the pace, fucks her more energetically and harder. The blonde is already moving her ass towards her.
Faster and faster, more and more furious and louder her cries are heard. The tearful and at the same time happy eyes of a predatory tigress are visible on the big screen. The color of the blonde's eyes changes to grey-green. The breasts are swaying so that it seems that's a little more and from energetic pushes they will leave their mistress.
The girl is overheated. Her body is more and more energetically planted with her gouged pussy on an artificial penis, on this miracle of technology, capable of changing its size at the request of the soulless and tireless "Slemhammer" and it becomes clear to the viewer by furious cries, by the behavior of a happy victim, her shaking gorgeous breasts, a distraught look, it becomes clear that the girl ends. Ends violently. Scratching the black leather upholstery of the pouffe with her nails.
The face of the Sledgehammer does not express emotions. She only drives a member deeper, leaves it inside the victim for a few seconds. The viewer can see how, five seconds after the powerful drilling tool left the developed pit, the fingers of the Sledgehammer, widely spreading the blonde's swollen labia, make it possible to contemplate a beautiful sight. From the wide-open vulva, in jerks, with an interval of two or three seconds, a whitish liquid pours out. The audience on the huge screen of the stage can clearly see how a thick liquid flows out of the opened vagina. As the pulsing muscles of the vagina squeeze out the life-giving liquid from it, which drains into the palm, then the hour goes into the charming mouth of our beauty.
Meanwhile, the other two girlfriends were not bored. A girl in a purple collar, having seen enough of the blonde's orgasm on the monitor screen, lying on her back, raped her pussy with the fingers of both hands. Noticing this "sledgehammer", she cursed dirtyly. "Stand up bitch!"
The girl instantly stood cancer high raising her ass. A sharp push of a powerful member into a narrow hole and her anus is pierced. Push. One more. And the loud cry of the raped seems to have filled the entire space of the club. And after him squirt. A jet of liquid with pressure and whistling splashed out of the brunette's pussy.
— Bitch! Are you a virgin?! - Sledgehammer quietly squealed through her teeth, pumping a double, or even a triple portion of the liquid into the anus. Having taken out the black elastic member of the "Sluthammer" with both hands, spreading the buttocks of the "leaky" brunette wide apart, gave the audience the opportunity to observe how a white liquid with streaks of red liquid began to pour out of her red, wide-open anus.
- Tighten your muscles! - ordered the "sledgehammer". The girl squeezed her muscles and a liquid resembling yogurt flowed from her ass. She flowed and flowed.
- Raise your hand and drink! - the command of the owner of the miracle member sounded.
Approaching the third girl, the owner of a green collar, the Sledgehammer found her indifferently awaiting her fate. Having slapped her elastic ass with force, she inserted the penis into her pussy in a businesslike manner and began methodically and smoothly pumping her body on her miracle technique, capable of working miracles, changing its size, pouring out various types of narcotic liquid and in the right quantities.
Gradually, the body of the punished began to respond, she moved her pelvis towards this powerful rod. The amplitude of oscillations increased. Coming out of the developed crack, the black skin of the member shone and it seemed to the viewer that he was constantly increasing in size.
The red-haired beauty loudly screaming more and more furiously sat down and sat down on the penis. And so, when her scream reached a maximum of decibels, she, breaking off the hook, falling face down on the pouffe, violently finished. Her own juices flowed from her broken vulva. The Sledgehammer approached her from the front. Raising her hair and inserting the head of the penis into her mouth, she finished abundantly. Having swallowed all the liquid, the red-haired beauty, giving the Sledgehammer a grateful look, carefully cleaned this sweet miracle of technology with her nimble tongue.
I woke up. I was very thirsty. Mom was sitting next to me.
- Daughter, you rushed about and raved in your sleep. Have a hot drink! After drinking, I fall into my dream again.
Now my soul, having left the mortal body, hovers over the stage of the club and I watch the action from above. The cages are open. The naked bodies of the participants in the show, being intoxicated with drugs, intertwined into a ball of debauchery resembling a ball of poisonous snakes, a ball of vipers gathered for copulation in early spring. The tangle grows larger in my eyes. It breaks on the ground and crumbles into separate segments. I watch the participants in this dirty orgy.
Here is the scene. Two lesbians, two red-haired beauties, having taken a pose 69 with tongues and fingers, please each other. Nearby are two blondes. Their beautiful bodies are closely pressed to each other. Indescribable bliss in the eyes. Hands caress each other. Lips intertwined in a gentle French kiss. A man of oriental appearance approaches them.
- Girls! Can I insert you in the ass? he pleads. Breaking away from the kiss, one of the blondes answers
- Back off the turn! Well, who needs your circumcised stump!
She is echoed by another.
- Go away, unfortunate, we are in line for the Sledgehammer
And at the "" Sledgehammer "turn, all hands on deck! I see her at the Swedish wall. And she stands with her legs wide apart, her hands rested on her waist. On the crossbar, hanging her ass, screaming furiously and furiously sitting down on her miracle, a red-haired beauty rages in ecstasy. To their right a brown-haired woman, a blonde and a brunette are waiting for their turn.
"A sledgehammer", having worked out the red one, is taken for this trinity.
Like under hypnosis my body goes down. I am attracted by this miracle of someone's skillful hands, this mighty member of the Sledgehammer. And after waiting for this “Miracle of Technology” to serve the brunette, my lips extended into a tube reached for the penis. And now it seems to me that I feel its delicious and for some reason such a familiar smell. Another second and it will be in my mouth. So powerful, beautiful, tasty, desired!...
Suddenly, a familiar and authoritative voice is heard from nowhere.
- I knew you'd like it! Ahaha! — Ha! — Ha!
And before my eyes appears "Queen Margo" in the red costume of Lucifer.
- Wake up baby! The doctor came - my mother pulled me out of this terrible vision.
The district doctor, after listening to the lungs and not finding wheezing, recommended vitamins, enhanced nutrition and hot drinks.
Stirring a bag of Three in One coffee, adding a couple of spoons of flower honey, I caught those very familiar smells of my sleep.
I wonder what male sperm smells like? I thought smiling. After all, I've never tried it.
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